ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 3 (104)Addiction and neurotic disorders (mechanisms and specificity of clinical and psychopatological manifestations of comorbidity)
Title of the article Addiction and neurotic disorders (mechanisms and specificity of clinical and psychopatological manifestations of comorbidity)
Authors Denysenko Mykhailo
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 3 (104) Pages 38-43
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-039-07-008.447-06 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V28-is3-2020-6

 The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the addictive status of patients with neurotic disorders: representation, severity, variants and specificity of addictive behavior. The features of the clinical and psychopathological structure and dynamics of neurotic disorders with addictions are analyzed, the mechanisms and patterns of the formation of comorbid combinations are highlighted. It has been established that neurotic disorders are often associated with addictive disorders. It is noted that addictions in neuroses are represented by a wide range of variants and are characterized by multimorbidity (a tendency to combine several addictions at the same time). It was determined that the clinical structure of neurotic disorders in their comorbidity with addictions is modified and its clinical and psychopathological specificity is highlighted. It has been determined that pathopsychological factors are involved in the mechanisms of formation of neurotic disorders with addictive behavior, among which the key role belongs to the need-motivational sphere, which combines competing motivations aimed at meeting the needs that support the addictive and neurotic states.
Key words neurotic disorder, addiction, comorbidity, clinical and psychopathological features, mechanisms of formation
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