ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 2 (103)Neuroadaptation in the system of emotional reinforcement under alcohol dependence
Title of the article Neuroadaptation in the system of emotional reinforcement under alcohol dependence
Authors Veselovska Olena
Shlyakhova Anna
Berchenko Olga
Titkova Anna
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 2 (103) Pages 22-25
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 612.820:616-092.9 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V28-is2-2020-4

The article is addressed to the problem of neuroadaptation in the brain system of emotional reinforcement under alcohol dependence. The level of anxiety, the functional state of the positive emotional reinforcement system, the electrogenesis of the structures of the brain limbic-neocortical system, levels of dopamine in n.accumbens and hypothalamus were studied in an experiment on animals. Particular attention is paid to the transcutaneous allotransplantation of the embryonic hippocampal tissue as a biological approach to suppressing of craving for alcohol intake. It has been shown that allotransplantation reduces alcohol motivation by restructuring of neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms in the system of positive reinforcement.
Key words alcohol dependence model, electrical activity of the brain, emotional system of the brain, transcutaneousallotransplantation of embryonic tissue,dopamine
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