ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 1 (102)Peculiarities of diagnostics, prevention, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy of nonpsychotic psychic disorders among students of higher educational institutions
Title of the article Peculiarities of diagnostics, prevention, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy of nonpsychotic psychic disorders among students of higher educational institutions
Authors Napryeyenko Oleksandr
Yurtsenyuk Olga
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 1 (102) Pages 64-67
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.891-07-085-084-057.875 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/20790325-V28-is1-2020-14

Topicality of the issue concerning nonpsychotic psychic disorders (NPD) among students remains of the utmost importance, since popularization of this phenomenon among people dictates a number of reasons to deal with this issue, to keep statistics and find potential “candidates” afflicted by this kind of disorders. Objective: to create the system of comprehensive diagnostics, prevention, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy of NPD among students of higher educational institutions, and determine its efficacy. During 2015—2017 keeping to the principles of bioethics and deontology a comprehensive complete examination of 1235 students was conducted. The following methods were applied: clinical, clinical-psychopathological, clinical-epidemiological, clinical-anamnestic, experimental-psychological and statistical. As a result of the study, NPD was diagnosed in 317 (25.67 %) students including 97 (30.60 %) males and 220 (69.40 %) females. Analyzing the quality of our comprehensive treatment we compared two groups of students: IA “comprehensive” group receiving our original comprehensive system of diagnostics, treatment and prevention; and IB “standard” group receiving standard treatment. The level of personality anxiety decreased in reliably larger number of students — 103 (58.19 %) who received our comprehensive treatment, while among the individuals from IB “standard” group this parameter decreased in 3 (9.09 %) persons only (p < 0.05). Alexithymia level decreased in 98 (55.38 %) patients from ІА group and 6 (18.18 %) students from IB group (p < 0.05). Depression level decreased in 160 (90.40 %) students from the “comprehensive” group and 16 (48.48 %) patients from the “standard” group (p < 0.05). Neuroticism level decreased in 79 (44.63 %) students from ІА group and in 4 (12.12 %) individuals from ІB group (p < 0.05). Thus, implementation of a comprehensive differential psychotropic therapy into a traditional complex of treatment has improved reduction of psychic disorders in patients afflicted with NPD on an average 3.28 times as much, which is evidenced by means of the above psychodiagnostic methods.
Key words treatment, prevention, students, nonpsychotic psychic disorders
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