ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 1 (102)Hardiness in aspects of suicidal prevention (Literature review)
Title of the article Hardiness in aspects of suicidal prevention (Literature review)
Authors Rothschild-Varibrus Velimar
Fritzsche Larysa
Korzhenevsky Stanislav
Mykhalchuk Oksana
Yermakov Leonid
Kyrylova Olena
Vovk Victoriia
Horbatovska Daria
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 1 (102) Pages 84-88
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.44:343.614 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/20790325-V28-is1-2020-18

The review is devoted to the hardiness of the individual as a factor of specifi c protection, potentially capable of reducing the risk of developing suicidal behavior. The development of the concept of “hardiness” and the features of its application in the subject field of suicidology are considered. ”Hardiness” is understood as a key personality variable that mediates the influence of stressful factors (including chronic ones) on somatic and mental health, as well as on the success of an activity. It is hardiness that allows a person to endure the fatal anxiety that accompanies the choice of the future (uncertainty), and not the past (immutability) in a situation of existential dilemma. The source base of the study was 38 publications. High agreement was noted between the authors that hardiness is an important protective factor for the emergence of suicidal ideations, performs a buffer (antisuicidal) role in a situation of distress, and is part of the normative functions of the human adaptation system. The significance of the contribution of certain parameters of hardiness to the protection of anti-vital and suicidal behavior can vary individually and socioculturally. The linear nature of the influence of the components of the phenomenon of hardiness on the likelihood of anti-vital and suicidal behavior seems relative. Significant for the development of suicide prevention measures are evidence that suicidal risk is associated with a weakening of reserves of hardiness, and a decrease in this risk is possible by strengthening the potential of hardiness through targeted psychosocial interventions. The potential variability of the parameter “hardiness” allows us to consider it as an important target for the prevention of suicide.
Key words suicide, suicidal behavior, hardiness, suicide prevention
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