ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 1 (102)Features of the cognitive component of chronic pain in young people with vertebral dorsalgia
Title of the article Features of the cognitive component of chronic pain in young people with vertebral dorsalgia
Authors Kufterina Nataliya
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 1 (102) Pages 10-13
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.133.33-004.6-0364-07 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI:https://doi.org/10.36927/20790325-V28-is1-2020-2

Objective: to identify the presence and characteristics of the cognitive component of pain in young patients suffering from chronic dorsalgia. Material and methods: 97 patients with chronic vertebral pain syndromes of the cervicobrachial (50 patients) and lumbosacral localization (47 patients) and 20 healthy individuals in the control group. Pain assessment was carried out using Visual Analogue Scale, MMSE, Luria’s tests. It was shown, that the examined patients had cognitive impairment in the form of decrease in the concentration of attention and difficulties in the mental activity, more pronounced in patients with pain syndromes of the cervicobrachial localization. The severity of cognitive dysfunction is more associated with the severity of the muscle-tonic syndrome than with the intensity of pain. Cognitive impairment in patients with chronic back pain depends on the degree of muscle tonic syndrome pain intensity.
Key words cognitive impairment, chronic back pain
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