ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 1 (102)Clinical-hemodynamic features of ischemic stroke in patients of young age
Title of the article Clinical-hemodynamic features of ischemic stroke in patients of young age
Authors Mialovytska Olena
Nebor Yaroslav
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 1 (102) Pages 26-29
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.4-053.81-036 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/20790325-V28-is1-2020-6

58 patients with ischemic stroke were examined (29 young people — the main group and 29 middle-aged people — control group). Among the examined young patients, cardio embolic subtype of stroke prevailed (66 %), and among middle-aged patients was observed in 10 %. The athe rothrombotic subtype of stroke prevailed in middle-aged people (69 %), and among young people — 24 %. The lacunar subtype of stroke in young people was 3 %, and in middle-aged people — 21 %. Patients of young had such subtypes of strokes as hemodyna mic and hemorheological, which respectively equaled 3 %. In middle age these subtypes of strokes were not observed among the examined patients. In young people the proportion of vascular pools with ische mic stroke was: vertebrobasilar — 41 %, carotid prevailed to some extend — 59 %. In middle-aged people the proportion of strokes prevailed in the carotid pool — 64 %, in the vertebrobasilar it was 29 %. Middle-aged people also had a “combined stroke” (stroke that occurred in several pools at once), it amounted to 7 %. As a result, Doppler study of cerebral vessels proved that in young people linear velocity in the right middle cerebral artery was authentically higher compared with middle-aged patients. At the same time, the linear velocity in middle-aged patients was statistically greater in the left vertebral artery.
Key words ischemic stroke subtypes, young age, hemodynamic parameters
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