ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 4 (101)Personality of a patient in forming depressions in epilepsy
Title of the article Personality of a patient in forming depressions in epilepsy
Authors Kharytonov Volodymyr
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 4 (101) Pages 71-74
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615-05+616.8-008.64:616.853 Index BBK -
Abstract In order to determine the psychological characteristics of the personality of patients with epilepsy and comorbidity depressions, were analised of characterological features, personality characteristics defining socio-psychological adaptation, forms of manifestation of aggressiveness in patients with organic, psychogenic and endogenous depressions in the interictal period of epilepsy. It has been established that patients with epilepsy and depression are characterized by the anadaptive nature of personal organization: persistent pessimism, decreased contact tendencies, rigidity of affective reactions, propensity to develop and accumulate hostile reactions with insuffi cient active realization of aggressive tendencies. The results of the study should be taken into account as targets in psychotherapeutic and psychoprophylactic work with patients with epilepsy.
Key words epilepsy, organic depressions, psychogenic depressions, endogenous depressions, interictal period, characterological features, sociopsychological adaptation, manifestations of aggression
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