ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 4 (101)Experimental justifi cation and dependent eff ects of therapy by the mexicor of ischemic brain injection in rats
Title of the article Experimental justifi cation and dependent eff ects of therapy by the mexicor of ischemic brain injection in rats
Authors Stoianov Oleksandr
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 4 (101) Pages 25-31
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615. 015: 616-001.8 Index BBK -
Abstract Brain vascular pathology is one of the leading causes of mortality, the main cause of disability and life quality decrease throughout the world. Ukraine demonstrate a steady tendency to increase the prevalence and incidence of cerebrovascular pathology over the past 10—15 years, especially chronic progressive forms. Oxidative stress is one of the leading ischemic brain damage cause. To suppress it the main modern approaches in cerebrovascular pathology pharmacological treatment search are connected. The use of the antioxidant 2-ethyl- 6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate as a pathogenetically necessary agent in conditions of ischemic brain damage during bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries in rats in order to study the eff ectiveness of therapy is experimentally substantiated in the article. 4 groups of animals were used in experimental conditions. Rats motor activity in the "open fi eld" test, trembling and stiff ness, a "humpiness" symptom, muscular activity and neurological status were determined on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 14th and 28th days of the experimental trials. Rats after reproducing ischemia of the brain showed hypokinesia, discoordination, muscle rigidity, severe neurological defi ciency. Mexicor administered in doses of 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg contributed to a dose-dependent decreasing of the studied indexes. The eff ectiveness of using mexicor signifi cantly exceeded the results obtained in the group without treatment. A dose-dependent eff ect was recorded with a signifi cant diff erence with increasing dosage. Thus, behavioral, muscular, coordinative and neurological correlates of chronic cerebral ischemia induced by carotid arteries occlusion gone during 14—28 days in conditions of mexicor effi cacy. The experimental results obtained are the background for a clinical examinations further series of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia using Mexicor as one of the components of ischemic brain damage complex pathogenetically based pharmacocorrection.
Key words experimental ischemia, 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate, pathogenetic treatment, ischemic brain damage pharmacocorrection
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