ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Clinical and psychopathological peculiarities of suicidal behavior of people who are ill with schizophrenia living in the zone of the Joint Force Operation
Title of the article Clinical and psychopathological peculiarities of suicidal behavior of people who are ill with schizophrenia living in the zone of the Joint Force Operation
Authors Budonnyi Pavlo
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 42-47
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-06:616.89-008.441.44]-058.65-085 Index BBK -
Abstract The relevance and the clinical and social need for this study is due to the fact that, to date, no comprehensive treatment and prevention of suicidal behavior has been developed for patients suff ering from schizophrenia from the zone of the Joint Force Operation (JFO). The aim of our study was to identify the clinical and psychopathological features of suicidal behavior of persons suff ering from schizophrenia and living in the OUF zone. In the process of research, a complex of methods was used: theoretical, socio-demographic, follow-up, clinical-anamnestic, clinicalpsychopathological, psychodiagnostic, statistical (calculations were made using Excel MS Offi ce 2016). Taking into account the principles of bioethics and deontology, in the course of the work, 136 people, aged 22 to 50 years, suffering from schizophrenia (according to IDU-10, code F2 "Schizophrenia, schizotypical states and delusional disorders"), were selected and they all have a tendency to suicidal behavior. All studied were divided into two groups: 71 people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and suicidal behavior, with whom the author’s complex therapy was subsequently carried out — MG (main group); 65 people, also diagnosed with schizophrenia and suicidal behavior, with whom further therapy was carried out according to standard clinical protocols — CG (comparison group). In the future, each group was divided into subgroups by gender: 38 men included in MG1, 33 women and MG2, respectively, 34 men in CG1, and 31 women in CG2. According to the results of the study, the clinical and psychopathological features of suicidal behavior of persons suff ering from schizophrenia and li ving in the JFO zone were determined. The data obtained in this study later became for us markers for the development and implementation of the author’s methodology of medicalpsychological support.
Key words suicide attempts, autoaggressive behaviour, psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia, depression, zone of Joint Force Operation
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