ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Case of focal frontal epilepsy in a 3-month-old baby with NRPL3 gene mutation
Title of the article Case of focal frontal epilepsy in a 3-month-old baby with NRPL3 gene mutation
Authors Stetsenko Tetyana
In the section Abstracts of Scientific and practical Conference "MODERN APPROACHES TO THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IN CHILDREN", September 19—20, Kharkiv
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 103
Type of article Abstracts Index UDK 616.831-002-097-053.2-06+616.831-053.2 Index BBK -
Key words
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