ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Analysis of the emotional state of patients with epilepsy and depression in interactal period
Title of the article Analysis of the emotional state of patients with epilepsy and depression in interactal period
Authors Kharytonov Volodymyr
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 53-56
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853:616.895.4-008.19-008.48-001.36 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper presents the results of the analysis of the emotional state of patients with epilepsy and depressions in the interictal period. Was analyzed the entire spectrum of aff ective manifestations (positive and negative emotional reactions), and were separately investigated the structural features of anxiety. It has been established that in the structure of the emotional state of patients with epilepsy, both with depressions and without, is noted the presence of negative aff ectivity in the form of reactions of tension, anxiety, anger, and frustration. The specifi c character of the emotional state of patients with epilepsy with depressions lies not so much in the representation of specifi c negative emotional states, but in the range of their severity. The emotional state of patients with epilepsy and depressions is represented by extremely negative emotional reactions, among which the most pronounced and characteristic of all forms of depression is the feeling of sadness. The specifics of the emotional state are determined depending on the form of depression: against the background of the state of sadness, with organic depression in the aff ective state, dominates the feeling of fatigue; with psychogenic — tension and anxiety; with endogenous — self-deprecation. Were distinguished the structural features of anxiety in patients with various forms of depression, was noted its high level in psychogenic depressions.
Key words epilepsy, organic depression, psychogenic depression, endogenous depression, interictal period, emotional state, anxiety
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