ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Suicidological passport of the territorial community as a basic element of the national strategy of suicide prevention in Ukraine
Title of the article Suicidological passport of the territorial community as a basic element of the national strategy of suicide prevention in Ukraine
Authors Rothschild-Varibrus Velimar
Korzhenevsky Stanislav
Mikhalchuk Oksana
Yermakov Leonid
Konarev Volodymyr
Vovk Victoriia
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 52-55
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.44: 343.614: 911.37 Index BBK -
Abstract In the article, we analyzed the national strategies for the prevention of suicide that exist in the world. As a result of the analysis, we presented the concept of "Suicidal passport of the territorial community". It is a dynamic accounting system for signifi cant indicators that not only characterize the suicidal situation in the regional community, but also infl uence it. We have identifi ed two preferred categories for recording suicidal activity in the territorial community: "Characteristics of the suicidal situation in the territorial community" and "Resources for suicidal prevention". The authors propose to consider the concept of "Suicidal passport of the territorial community" as a supporting element of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Suicide in Ukraine.
Key words suicide, suicidal accounting, suicide prevention, suicidal passport of the territorial community, territorial community, self-annihilation
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