ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Problem of interrelations of effi cacy and safety during pharmaco therapy in angioneurology: focus on ginkgo preparations
Title of the article Problem of interrelations of effi cacy and safety during pharmaco therapy in angioneurology: focus on ginkgo preparations
Authors Burchynskyi Sergiy
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 73-77
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-005-08 : 615.272 Index BBK -
Abstract In the present article a modern criteria defi ned the terms "effi cacy" and "safety" during pharmacotherapy in cerebrovascular pathology have been looked. A main risks and possible adverse eff ects of widely used nootropic and vasotropic drugs in angioneurologic practice have been analyzed. Advantages of use the neurotropic phytodrugs and especially preparations of Ginkgo biloba have been looked in details. Use as an optimal instrument of pharmacotherapy in cerebrovascular pathology the drug Bilobil-Intens has been grounded based on the point of view of its complex clinical- pharmacological eff ect and safety criteria.
Key words cerebrovascular pathology; pharmacotherapy; phytodrugs; ginkgo biloba preparations; Bilobil
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