ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Neglect syndrome after ischemic stroke: diagnosis, treatment options
Title of the article Neglect syndrome after ischemic stroke: diagnosis, treatment options
Authors Nasonova Tetiana
Kolosova Tetiana
Briakin Danylo
Mykhailovska Natalia
Kurochkin Igor
Riabychenko Tetiana
Tyshkevych Olena
Buhaiov Yurii
Holovchenko Yurii
Hushcha Valeriia
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 8-14
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005-036. 11-036.868-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the study: the study of clinical efficacy and safety of the Neuromidin® in the rehabilitation period in patients with primary ischemic stroke, its eff ect on motor, cognitive function, level of household adaptation, depending on the presence or absence of neglekt syndrome and "push-syndrome". 60 patients aged 49 to 82 years in the recovery period of ischemic stroke were examined (30 patients — the main group: treatment with the addition of Neuromidin®; 30 patients — control group: standard treatment without adding Neuromidin®). Investigation of motor, cognitive, and sensitive disorders was carried out with the use of clinical scales. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated in the absence of signs of neglekt syndrome and "push-syndrome", reduction of motor and cognitive impairment. Patients with neglekt syndrome showed greater dependence on third-party care and more severe cognitive impairment than in patients who had not been diagnosed neglekt syndrome. After treatment, the majori ty of patients achieved elimination of neglekt syndrome, but in the group where patients received Neuromidin®, the number of such patients was higher. In addition, patients in the main group improved cognitive function. The use of Neuromidin® in complex rehabilitation measures in patients with ischemic stroke contributes to the restoration of lost functions, reduces the phenomena of visual-spatial neglect, positively affects self-care and improves the quality of life of patients and their relatives.
Key words ischemic stroke, neglekt syndrome
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