ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Modern model of psychoeducation in patients with alcohol dependence
Title of the article Modern model of psychoeducation in patients with alcohol dependence
Authors Lytvynenko Vasyl
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 31-33
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.33-036.82:364-786:364.62 Index BBK -
Abstract In the course of work, to develop a psychological program for men with alcohol dependence, a comprehensive clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic examination of 150 male patients with alcohol-related syndrome was conducted. The main group (the patients of which participated in the psychoeducational program) included 105 people. The control group consisted of 45 patients who received standard regulated therapy in the hospital. During the course of work, the psychoeducational program was developed and tested in the system of rehabilitation of patients with alcohol dependence, the main purpose of which is a comprehensive infl uence on the cognitive, emotional, psychophysiological, behavioral and social aspects of alcohol dependence. The algorithm of psychoeducation of patients with alcohol dependence is deve loped, which is aimed at increasing the level of special (narcological) knowledge of the patient and his family; working out of skills of solving life problems; communication skills training; training skills of coping. On the background of conducting a psychoeducational program in the system of rehabilitation of patients with alcohol dependence, there was positive dynamics of mental status, positive transformation of coping strategies in patients of the main group, which included psychoeducation in the traditional complex of rehabilitation measures, which signifi - cantly exceeds the corresponding changes in the control group.
Key words alcohol dependence, psychoeducation, psychosocial rehabilitation, remission, coping strategy, alcohol consumption
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