ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Features type of response on the diseases in patients with cereb ro vascular pathology
Title of the article Features type of response on the diseases in patients with cereb ro vascular pathology
Authors Yavorska Tеtіana
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 68-72
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48:616-05 : 616.17-008.1:616.831-005.] - 08+615.851+616-084 Index BBK -
Abstract The type of reaction and the behavior patients is an important part of the successful treatment and recovery, and, respectively, the prolong duration and improve quality of life. At Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital — Emergency and Emergen cy Medicine Center during 2016—2018, observed 383 patients with cerebrovascular pathology (CVP) on different stage of diseases and 47 healthy persons. In research we used questionnaires “Type of response on the disease” and Boston Stress Test. In the continuum, “healthy — risk group — clinical manifestations of cerebrovascular pathology — after stoke” there is an increase nonadaptive types of response on the disease, manifested by mental stress and the decreasing psychosocial adaptation of patients. Growth of stress combined with types of response on the disease, accompanied by manifestations psychological and psychosocial disadaptation as an intrapsychic, and interphysical mechanism of development. Psychological correction the type of response on the disease, in particular chronic, with a vital threat and a signifi cant decreasing quality of life as a result of complications and progression, is an important component of psychological help for patients with cerebrovascular pathology based on a health-centered approach.
Key words type of response on the disease, cerebrovascular pathology, psychological help
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