ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Dysfunction of bloodbrain barrier and intrathecal immune response in patients with clinically isolated multiple sclerosis syndrome
Title of the article Dysfunction of bloodbrain barrier and intrathecal immune response in patients with clinically isolated multiple sclerosis syndrome
Authors Shulga Olga
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 20-22
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-009.81 Index BBK -
Abstract The study is devoted to the evaluation of blood-brain barrier dysfunction and intrathecal synthesis of immunoglobulin G in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) of multiple sclerosis. The presence of oligoclonal bands and immunoglobulin G indicates an increased risk of multiple sclerosis in patients with CIS, regardless of the presence of other risk factors. An observational study of an intranasal response in patients with CIS was performed for the fi rst time in Ukraine. Based on the evaluation of cerebrospinal fl uid and blood parameters in 19 adult patients, it was found that 68 % of patients had an impairment of permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Synthesis of intrathecal immunoglobulin G is present in two thirds of cases.
Key words clinically isolated syndrome, multiple sclerosis, blood-barrier, intrathecal synthesis, immunoglobulin G
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