ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Comparative analysis of psychopathological consequences of maladaptation and post-traumatic syndrome in participants of military actions with eyes injury and partial loss of vision
Title of the article Comparative analysis of psychopathological consequences of maladaptation and post-traumatic syndrome in participants of military actions with eyes injury and partial loss of vision
Authors Abdriakhimov Rostyslav
Markova Marianna
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 23-27
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895:613.67:616-05::617.7-001.4 Index BBK -
Abstract Comparative analysis of psychopathological consequences of maladaptation and post-traumatic syndrome in participants of military actions with eyes injury and partial loss of vision The aim of this work was a comparative study of the phenomenology of psychopathological response manifestations as psychological disadaptation or post-traumatic syndrome in participants of military actions with eyes injury and partial loss of vision, in order to further determine the targets for medical and psychological measures for their rehabilitation. During 2014—2018 years 191 participants of military actions (PMA) aged 20—53 years were examined. As a comparison group, the study included 59 men with partial loss of vision (PLV) due to household injuries. All respondents were screened for a mental condition using a clinical diagnostic scale CAPS (Clinical-administered PTSD Scale), a questionnaire for determining the level of neuroticism and psychopathisation, consulted by a psychiatrist and a psychodiagnostic study was carried out. The study showed that in PMA with manifestations of psychological disadaptation, the analysis of the signs of the factor “Phenomenology of Signs of Psychological Disadaptation” showed the presence of its diff use manifestations. They mainly reflect the variants of its development and in content demonstrate the lack of individual skills of adequate psychological behavior on change the external environment. The analysis of factor components “Phenomenology of Psychopathological Response to Eyes Injuries on the Background of Psychological Disadaptation” in PMA with PLV showed a decrease in the manifestations and relevance of symptoms of disadaptation against the background of injury, in addition to emotional and behavioral shifts. The level of somatic manifestations of psychopathological response indicates the beginning of the formation of neurotic disorders on the basis of symptoms of disadaptation and available eyes injuries. The analysis of factor “Phenomenology of Manifestations of Post-traumatic Syndrome” in PMA has shown that its manifestations become the basis for the formation of selective neurotic syndromes. The content of these are the factors that have caused the emergence of constant stress in the form of post-stress pathological response. In PMA with PLV on the background of the manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome, the factor “Phenomenology of Psychopathological Response to Eyes Injury on the Background of Manifestations of Post-traumatic Syndrome” indicates the processes of formation of neurotic symptomatology on the background of eyes injury. The basis is individual manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome, which is intensifi ed under the infl uence of additional stress as a result of eyes injury. The obtained results will be taken into account when creating specialized highly-target approaches to medical and psychological rehabilitation for this contingent.
Key words post-traumatic syndrome, psychological disadaptation, clinical symptomato logy, stress, eyes injury, military actions.
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