ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 2 (99)Clinical-psychopathological structure of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders during vascular dementia of moderate degrees of severity
Title of the article Clinical-psychopathological structure of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders during vascular dementia of moderate degrees of severity
Authors Shevchenko-Bitenskyi  Kostiantyn
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 2 (99) Pages 63-67
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.7-009.884:616.831-008.46 Index BBK -
Abstract 41 patients with vascular dementia in the medium stage of development with mixed cortical and subcortical dysfunction with hallucinatory-paranoid symptoms (main group) were examined. The control group consisted of 34 patients with vascular dementia in the medium stage of development without hallucinatoryparanoid disorders. The patterns of clinical and psychopathological manifestations of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders in patients with vascular dementia in the medium stage of development were established, which can be considered as diagnostic criteria for assessing the clinical and psychopathological structure of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders in this pathology.
Key words dementia, hallucinatoryparanoid symptoms, clinical and psychopathological manifestations
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