ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)The dependence of the clinical picture of acute psychosis connected with alcohol withdrawal from the forms of alcohol consumption
Title of the article | The dependence of the clinical picture of acute psychosis connected with alcohol withdrawal from the forms of alcohol consumption | ||||
Authors |
Kuzminov Valerii |
In the section | HELP TO PRACTICAL PHYSICIAN | ||||
Year | 2019 | Issue | Volume 27, issue 1 (98) | Pages | 92-96 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.892+616.89-02:615.212-079.4-08 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | 210 patients with acute psychotic disorder in a state of alcohol withdrawal were examined. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the form of alcohol abuse: 1) periodic (drunk), 2) permanent. Alcohol dependence with a drunken form of alcohol abuse was characterized by the presence of more than one spontaneous or socially conditioned remission (more than one month of sobriety) for a year, a short period of hard consumption of alcohol before the development of a psychotic disorder, a shorter period or no control period of consumption alcohol. On the contrary, in patients with permanent drinking, in some cases, up to the development of a psychotic episode, patients could independently stop drinking. Psychotic disorders were more often observed in patients with the periodic (drunk) form of alcohol abuse. A provoking factor in the development of psychotic disorders (the presence of somatoneurological) disease, was more often more signifi cant in the group of patients with permanent form of alcohol abuse. In the case of a drunken form of alcohol abuse, more expressive vegetative signs of withdrawal syndrome (tachycardia, arterial hypertension, hyperhidrosis) were noted in the structure of the of alcoholic delirium. These patients had more expressive aff ective (mostly anxiety) and psychomotor agitation. Productive psychotic symptomatology (delusion, hallucinations) had a more signifi cant eff ect on the behavior of patients with a drunken form of alcohol abuse. In patients with permanent alcohol abuse, visual hallucinations were more often associated with tactile hallucinations. In this group, a prolongation of the psychotic disorder occurred more frequently due to the exacerbation of somatoneurological diseases, which often had at these patients. | ||||
Key words | alcohol dependence, form of alcohol abuse, alcohol withdrawal state, acute psychotic disorder | ||||
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