ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)Psychopathological affective-conative structural analysis of the clinical picture and alcohol dependence arrangement for patients with various social groups and different levels of psychosocial stress
Title of the article Psychopathological affective-conative structural analysis of the clinical picture and alcohol dependence arrangement for patients with various social groups and different levels of psychosocial stress
Authors Gaponov Kostiantyn
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 1 (98) Pages 27-34
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.861:616.895:613.816 Index BBK -
Abstract In order to study the features of the clinical-psychopathological picture of alcohol dependence for patients with diff erent levels of psychosocial stress, for the ways understanding of existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies modifi cation in view of the aggravating eff ect of the indicated phenomena on its formation and course, 312 alcohol addicted men were examined by clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods: 107 combatants, 89 internally displaced persons and 116 people, which are residents of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. As a result of the research, was found, that the clinical picture of alcohol addiction in individuals of diff erent social groups is characterized by various clinical and psychopathological manifestation constellations of the syndrome of dependence on alcohol, aff ective, behavioral and dysmomanic-vegetative symptoms, which are partly determined belonging to the patient by the level of psychosocial stress. Evidence and variability of the addictive component of the clinical alcohol dependence picture is linearly associated with the level of psychosocial stress felt by patients: when stress load increase, then the symptoms of alcoholic addiction going to increase the same way. In the aff ective-conative arrangement of the clinical picture of alco hol addiction allocated aff ective and behavioral psychopathological clusters, each of which consists of three clinical options implemented against the background of somatovegetative disorders. At the same time, the distribution and severity of aff ective and behavioral symp to matic does not have a linear connection with the level of psychosocial stress belonged to the patient. In the structure of the aff ective cluster for the alcohol addicted patients with any level of psychosocial stress, anxiety-depressive or depressive manifestations prevail, and in the structure of behavioral stress, there is absolute dominance of hostility manifestations. The revealed patterns should be taken into account when developing treatment-and-rehabilitation and preventive measures for people with alcohol addiction.
Key words psychosocial stress, alcohol addiction, aff ective and behavioral clusters, depression, anxiety, hostility, dyssomnia
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