ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)Physical anthropological characteristics of patients with Wilson’s disease and signifi cance of these characteristic for diagnosis of this pathology
Title of the article Physical anthropological characteristics of patients with Wilson’s disease and signifi cance of these characteristic for diagnosis of this pathology
Authors Kutikov Oleksandr
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 1 (98) Pages 8-13
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 572.5:616.831-056.7:577.11:616.36-079 Index BBK -
Abstract The study aimed to investigate an association between physical anthropological characteristics of patients and a presence of Wilson’s disease (WD), as well as a possibility to use these characteristics as an additional criterion for WD diff erential diagnosis. On the base of examination of 67 patients with a confi rmed WD diagnosis (the biggest sample in Ukraine) in comparison with a control group (50 persons from the general population), it was shown that the physical anthropological structure of the cohort of patients with WD had a prominent specifi c peculiarities and principal diff erences from the general population both qualitatively and quantitatively. This suggests about the importance of the physical anthropological factor in WD pathogenesis. A presence of WD was associated with belonging to the morpho-constitutional group of dolichomorphic phenotypic variants (PhVs) (88.06 % among patients with WD vs. 38.00 % in the control group; p < 0.00001) and was associated negatively with belonging to the group of brachymorph PhVs (11.94 % vs. 62.00 %, respectively; p < 0.00001). The performed analysis allowed to develop for the studied population a spectrum of associating between the main PhVs and risk of WD presence: a positive associating characterized Mediterranean and Atlanto-Baltic PhVs (a very high level) and Uralic PhV; a neutral associating characterized Dinaric PhV; a negative associating characterized East-Baltic PhV, Paleoeropean PhV and Alpine PhV (a very high level). Being male might be an additional factor of a positive associating with WD presence for Atlanto- Baltic PhV and a negative associating for Paleoeuropean PhV. The abovementioned peculiarities should be taken into account in WD diagnosis and a differential diagnosis.
Key words physical anthropological characteristics, phenotypic variant, Wilson’s disease, gender, diagnosis
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