ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)Main directions of complex rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia and obesity
Title of the article Main directions of complex rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia and obesity
Authors Oprya Yevgen
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 1 (98) Pages 62-64
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-06:616-056.52-036.66 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the results of a comprehensive clinical and psychopathological study of the characteristics of clinical manifestations, the perception of mental and somatic diseases, as well as the features of social and personal functioning and quality of life of patients with schizophrenia with obesity, which served as the basis for developing strategic areas of therapy for patients of this group. Were highlighted the strategic direction of treatment of patients with obesity and schizophrenia: holding antipsychotic therapy, taking into account the presence of obesity, mastering the skills of controlling food intake and lifestyle correction; development of skills to control stress and own psychopathological state, as well as increase social competence and social and personal functioning of patients.
Key words schizophrenia, obesity, antipsychotic therapy, psychotherapy, psycho-education, control of food intake, control of stress
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