ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)Features of clinical and psychopathological manifestations and self-perception in patients with schizophrenia with depressive disorders in the structure of psychosis
Title of the article | Features of clinical and psychopathological manifestations and self-perception in patients with schizophrenia with depressive disorders in the structure of psychosis | ||||
Authors |
Kolyadko Svitlana |
Year | 2019 | Issue | Volume 27, issue 1 (98) | Pages | 40-45 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.895.8-008.64-071:159.96+616.89 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | The article presents the features of depressive disorders (DD) in the structure of schizophrenia, their influence on the structure of psychopathological symptoms, as well as the features of self-perception. It was shown that the phenomenological structure of depression in patients with DD with schizophrenia included the presence of affective, negative symptoms and cognitive impairments. In the comparative aspect, in patients with schizophrenia with and without depression symptoms, it was found that among psychological peculiarities of personality in patients with DD there was a loss of values and goals, less was the expressed ability to self-acceptance and expression of their feelings, there was a decrease in cognitive needs compared with the group patients without DD. The self-esteem of patients with schizophrenia with DP was characterized by inadequacy and was underestimated in the comparative aspect. The obtained data can serve as psychopathological differential diagnostic criteria for assessment of DD, they should be taken into account when conducting differentiated pharmacological and psychotherapy for patients with schizophrenia with DD. | ||||
Key words | schizophrenia, depressive disorders, self-perception | ||||
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