ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Disturbance of creatine kinase in motor neuron disease
Title of the article Disturbance of creatine kinase in motor neuron disease
Authors Rushkevich Iuliia
Pashkouskaya Irina
Likchachev Sergey
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 66-72
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832.522-008.9-036.1 Index BBK -
Abstract Variety of clinical symptoms of the motor neuron disease (MND) quite often promote late detection of a disease. The search of biological markers can reveale the MND at early stages. Objective: to establish the creatine kinase (CK) activity and a number of biochemical indexes in blood in MND patients depending on a sex, age, onset and MND duration. CK, CK-MB, cholesterol, creatinine were analyzed in 249 MND (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis — ALS) patients (128 (51 %) men and 121 (49 %) woman; mean age 59 [52,5; 66] years) and 49 people of control group (24 (49 %) men and 25 (51 %) women; mean age 62 [56; 67] years) at the time of inclusion in the research. Studying of biochemical indexes was carried out on the biochemical AU 400 analyzer of Olympus with use of reagents of production Olympus. Signifi cant increase of CK activity in ALS patients is revealed (190,0 [107,0; 350,0] U/l) in comparison with control group (73,0 [53,0; 96,0] U/l (U, р = 0,000)), both men and women, the most significant at a lumbosacral onset of MND. It is established that younger age of an onset of MND and an age in which MND diagnosis was made, more long-lived course of a disease and increase in CK-MB is characteristic of ALS patients with the increased CK level. It is revealed that ALS patients with a bulbar onset were signifi cantly more senior and they had less ALS duration, than in other ALS forms. The high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of CK were shown: in ALS men — 72 % and 100 % respectively, and a lumbosacral form of a disease the sensitivity up to 80 % significantly increases at specifi city of 100 %. The CK activity in blood in ALS men and patients with lumbosacral form ALS can be used as biomarker of diagnostics of pathological process in a skeletal musculature of extremities and assessment of ALS degree.
Key words motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, creatine kinase, cholesterol, creatinine, serum
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