ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Clinical psychopathological features of patients with acute and prolonged neurasthenia
Title of the article Clinical psychopathological features of patients with acute and prolonged neurasthenia
Authors Panko Tamara
Bugakova Arina
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 49-51
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-008.47:159.9. 072.533 Index BBK -
Abstract The article gives data on the features of patients with acute and prolonged neurasthenia. Their analysis showed that in the acute course of neurasthenia patients had a moderate level of depression with a predominance of the cognitive component, a combination of asthenoid depression, astheno-hypochondriacal and astheno-agrypnical sympathetic complexes, a high level of anxiety, uncertainty in their strength, depression and sensitivity to the reactions of others, reducing the level of adaptation, emotional comfort. The most important features of the prolonged course of neurasthenia were elevated levels of depression with domination of the somatic component, a leading asthenoid-depressive symptom, internal tension, anxiety, the prevalence of gloomy feelings and reflections, feelings of guilt, a desire for a higher level of emotional comfort, adaptation and domination in interpersonal relationships.
Key words neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, acute neurasthenia, prolonged course of neurasthenia, clinical and psychopathological features
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