ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Clinical-psychopathological features of depressive disorders in patients with schizophrenia
Title of the article | Clinical-psychopathological features of depressive disorders in patients with schizophrenia | ||||
Authors |
Maruta Natalia Maliuta Liana |
In the section | PROBLEMATIC ARTICLES | ||||
Year | 2017 | Issue | Volume 25, issue 4 (93) | Pages | 5-10 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.895.8:616.895.4-008.447-071-08 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | The article is devoted to the study of clinical, psychopathological and psychological features of depressive disorders (DD) in patients with schizophrenia and the development of the principles of therapy for this contingent of patients. The leading variants of the symptomatic complexes in patients with DD in schizophrenia are identifi ed: in patients with DD early period — anxiety-depressive (39.50 %), obsessive- depressive (26.30 %) complex of symptoms and somatic-vegetative depression (21.10 %); in patients with DD middle period — apathetic-adynamic (46.20 %), depersonalization (20.50 %) and senestic-hypochondriac (12.80 %) variants of depression; in patients with DD late period — dysphoric (25.60 %), anesthetic (20.95 %) variants of depression and depressive-paranoid complex of symptom (20.99 %). It has been proved that the phenomenological structure of depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia change depending on stages of disease. It included the presence of aff ective, negative symptoms and cognitive disorders. It has been established that the level of social isolation, alexithymia, dissatisfaction by themselves and the quality of life has been growing throughout the course of the disease. As a result, the system of diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders in patients with schizophrenia has been scientifi cally substantiated, developed and implemented. | ||||
Key words | depressive disorders, schizophrenia, clinical and psychopathological features, personal features, diff erential diagnostics, therapy | ||||
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