ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Clinical pathomorphosis of symptoms of Hyperkinetic disorder and Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans of military operations in the East of Ukraine
Title of the article Clinical pathomorphosis of symptoms of Hyperkinetic disorder and Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans of military operations in the East of Ukraine
Authors Ilnytska Tetiana
Martsenkovskyi Igor
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 23-25
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.47/.48:355.292.3 Index BBK -
Abstract The main symptoms of hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) can be altered by the infl uence of psychological traumatism. Symptoms of HKD, associated with violations of activity and attention, often lead to a modification of the course of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), causing the polymorphism of its clinical manifestations. The study of causal relationships of HKD and PTSD, the pathomorphosis of their clinical manifestations, and the use of appropriate interventions can greatly facilitate the course of HKD and PTSD. The study included 155 people. All randomized patients had a semi-structured adult interview using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) and the PTSD Symptom Scale (PTSD CheckList — Civilian Version — PCL-C), supplemented by data clinicanamnestic and biennial clinic-catamnestic observation. Were formed two comparative groups of combat veterans: 1) with hyperkinetic disorder and individual symptoms of PTSD (n = 65); 2) with double diagnosis of hyperkinetic and post-traumatic disorders (n = 56). After a year of catheter observation, after re-randomization, in 6 patients in the fi rst group, the symptoms of the PTSD spectrum increased, which made it possible to diagnose PTSD in them. According to the results of the catamnestic study in the group with the late manifestation of PTSD, we observed an increase in the symptoms of HKD against the backdrop of a slight increase in the manifestations of PTSD, accompanied by psychopathisation and severe vio lations of behavioral adaptation. In the group with double diagnosis of HKD and PTSD, the severity of both the symptoms of the HKD spectrum and PTSD increased over time. In the clinical picture, fi rst of all there were symptoms of rebirth and intrusions. Thus, the patients in the second group a more severe course of PTSD in the remote post-traumatic period. The results of the study give grounds for considering HKD as a possible predictor of the formation of behavioral disorders in the course of traumatism and the more severe course of PTSD.
Key words hyperkinetic disorder, hyperactivity, impulsivity, behavioral disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, participants in hostilities
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