ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Addictive behavior in neurotic disorders (clinical-psycho pathological characteristics and therapy)
Title of the article | Addictive behavior in neurotic disorders (clinical-psycho pathological characteristics and therapy) | ||||
Authors |
Denysenko Mykhailo |
Year | 2017 | Issue | Volume 25, issue 4 (93) | Pages | 18-22 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.85-039-07-008.447 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | The results of a comprehensive evaluation of the addictive condition in patients with neurotic disorders. It was found that patients with neurotic disorders are more prone to the formation of addictive behavior. In addition, patients with dissociative and anxiety and phobic disorders are more prone to the accumulation of diff erent options dependencies (the formation of “multimorbid” addiction). As the most “dangerous addictive” neurotic disorders recognized dissociative disorders. The structure of addictions, both in patients with neurotic disorders, and healthy, head: dependence on tobacco, food, internet and work / study, which refl ects the general population of addictive tendencies state of our society. The structure features of addiction in patients with neurotic disorders are in the sequence of placement “common” addiction, as well as a greater frequency representation and variability addictive objects. | ||||
Key words | addiction, neurotic disorder, comorbidity, multimorbid | ||||
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