ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)The results of studying deliberate autolesion with women suff ering from depressive syndromes and fetal loss syndrome in case history using Piers scale of suicidal intentions and Patterson scale of suicidal risks estimation
Title of the article | The results of studying deliberate autolesion with women suff ering from depressive syndromes and fetal loss syndrome in case history using Piers scale of suicidal intentions and Patterson scale of suicidal risks estimation | ||||
Authors |
Vodka Maksym |
Year | 2017 | Issue | Volume 25, issue 3 (92) | Pages | 23-26 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.895.4-008.441.45-055.2:618.333-071.1 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | With the aim of studying clinic characteristics of autolesion the research of 54 patients with depressive disorders of aff ective register, fetal loss syndrome and deliberate non-fatal autolesion in case history using Piers scale of suicidal intentions (PSIS) and Patterson scale of suicidal risks estimation (SPS). It was stated that all deliberate autolesion in the sample was made in two main ways: self-injury (Х76; Х78; Х83 according to the criteria МКБ-10) and self-poisoning (X60; Х61; Х69). Self-injury was the prevailing way of autolesion (3.15 times more often). In the structure of deliberate autolesion selfslits were prevailing (X78) (p < 0.05). For self-poisoning in the given sample there were studied: paracetamol, aspirin, sedative medicines, washingup cleanser, shampoo. Non-opioid analgesics, antipyretic and antirheumatic drugs (paracetamol, aspirin) were the predominant means of selfpoisoning (p < 0.05). All established intentional autolesion was realized by respondents within the framework of parasuicidal behavior, which was characterized by a “low” level of suicidal intentions. | ||||
Key words | women, depressive disorders, fetal loss syndrome in case history, parasuicidal behavior | ||||
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