ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)Multymorbid addictive potential in neurotic disorders (structure, clinical manifestations, diagnostics)
Title of the article Multymorbid addictive potential in neurotic disorders (structure, clinical manifestations, diagnostics)
Authors Denysenko Mykhailo
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 3 (92) Pages 29-33
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-039-008.447-06-008.9 Index BBK -
Abstract For the purpose of using clinical phenomena as additional diagnostic markers of the presence or absence of an admission in the structure of a neurosis, an analysis was made of the frequencies of the features of the formation, course and clinical presentation of neurotic disorders with and without an addictions. Specifi c clinical and psychopathological markers-signs of the presence or absence of an admission for each individual form of neurosis are singled out, their diagnostic coeffi cients and Kulbak’s informative measures are calculated. The obtained data allow to diagnose the presence or absence of the addictions in the structure of the neurosis through the analysis of the clinical and psychopathological phenomena of the neurotic disorder itself.
Key words neurotic disorders, addictions, diagnostics, clinical-prognostic markers, multymorbidity
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