ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)Medico-psychological assistance to infants families with severe craniocerebral trauma
Title of the article Medico-psychological assistance to infants families with severe craniocerebral trauma
Authors Dukhovskyi Oleksandr
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 3 (92) Pages 34-36
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK [616.714+616.831]-001- Index BBK -
Abstract In the course of work with conducted a comprehensive survey of 142 families (mother and father). The main group comprised 97 families participating in the program medico-psychological support, a control group of 45 families who did not receive psychological support. As the results of the study showed, a craniocerebral trauma of the child became a psychotraumatic situation for all parents, which led to the development of anxiety-depressive reactions and conditions. The couple surveyed noted the presence of tensions in family relationships, family confl icts, as related to the treatment of the child and the escalation of pre-existing interpersonal and marital problems that led to the distancing and reducing intrafamily resource. Based on these data, we have developed psychotherapeutic program for parents of child’s fi rst year of life with heavy craniocerebral trauma, focused on forming the parents of the sick child adequate understanding of the disease and characteristics of neurosurgical intervention, the formation of trust in the dyad, the physician, — the parents of a sick child. As shown by the results of dynamic observation on the background of applying the proposed system of medicalpsychological support in the main group showed a stable positive dynamics of the psychological state with a total reduction of anxiety-depressive reactions and conditions and harmonization of family relations.
Key words psychotherapy, ailing child, anxiety-depressive disorders, medical and psychological support
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