ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)Characteristics of dissomnic disorders in patients with progressive types of multiple sclerosis
Title of the article Characteristics of dissomnic disorders in patients with progressive types of multiple sclerosis
Authors Voloshyna Natalia
Negreba Tetiana
Tereshchenko Liudmyla
Vasylovskyi Vitalii
Zabrodina Liudmyla
Pertsev Grygorii
Pisotska Kseniia
Chernenko Maksym
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 3 (92) Pages 75-81
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832-004.2-036:616.8-009.836 Index BBK -
Abstract There were examined the peculiarities of “sleep — wake” cycle disorders in 38 patients (29 females, 9 males) with progressive courses of multiple sclerosis (MS), aged from 27 to 61 years. We have analyzed the characteristics of the course, including the age of onset and disease duration. We have also examined the severity and duration of the onset, special characteristics of relapsing stage course for SPC, including the structure of major syndromes and the severity of neurologic impairment, according to Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS) scale. Based on a subjective assessment of sleep disorders’ severity there were identifi ed the multiple variants of combinations of pre-, intra- and postsomnia. Pre-somnic violations included such indexes as diffi culty in falling asleep (54.1 %), anxiety and/or fear when going to sleep (38.9 %), need for systematic taking of sleeping pills (23.7 %). Intra-somnic violations included frequent night awakenings (71.1 %), which were combined with superfi cial sleep with a variety of dramatic dreams (50.1 %), shortening of sleep duration (15.8 %), diffi culties when falling asleep after waking up in the night (29.0 %) or total absence of night sleep (34.3 %). Among the symptoms, often leading to sleep disturbances should be allocated the pain phenomena in various parts of the body (76.3 %) and sphincter disorders (53.0 %), whereas parasomnias in the form of nightmares (26.9 %), somnambulism (5.3 %) and somniloquence (15.8 %), sleep apnea (21.5 %), impaired well-being at night — headaches (47.3 %), night sweats (28.9 %), and rhythmic movements during sleep (26.3 %) were less frequent. Postsomnia disturbances in the form of morning drowsiness were detected in 73.7 % of patients, and in the form of daytime sleepiness in 68.5 % of patients. The obtained data indicate a heterogeneous nature of sleep disorders in MS, the multifactoriality of their pathogenesis, including the cause-eff ect relationships between diverse sleep disorders and structural lesions of a brain of demyelinating and degenerative nature, which leads to the dysfunction of brain structures and the disintegration of the neurotransmitter systems that regulate the cycle “sleep — wake”.
Key words multiple sclerosis, progressive courses, dissomnic disorders (pre-, intra- and postsomnia), pattern of prognosis
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