ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)Analysis of effi ciency of medical-psychological support of patients with post-schizophrenic depression
Title of the article Analysis of effi ciency of medical-psychological support of patients with post-schizophrenic depression
Authors Stakhanov Kyrylo
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 3 (92) Pages 66-70
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-06:616.89-008.454]-055.1-085.851 Index BBK -
Abstract The organization of comprehensive programs to help patients with postschizophrenic depression is one of the urgent problems of modern practical medicine, but there is still no generally accepted approach to both the diagnosis of these conditions and practical recommendations for optimizing therapy. The article describes the program of organization of complex gender-specific family-centered medical and psychological support for patients with post-schizophrenic depression. The program of medical and psychological support included two stages: the first was conducted during inpatient treatment and had a psychocorrectional focus, the second stage, psycho-prophylactic, supporting, was organized in an outpatient period. Also the analysis of effi ciency of the introduced author’s support is given.
Key words post-schizophrenic depression, medical and psychological support, effi ciency analysis
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