ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 1 (90)Innovative directions of medical and psychological rehabilitation of children with attention defi cit / hyperactivity disorder
Title of the article Innovative directions of medical and psychological rehabilitation of children with attention defi cit / hyperactivity disorder
Authors Kozyavkin Volodymyr
Shestopalova Liudmyla
Borodavko Oksana
Gordievich Mykhailo
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 1 (90) Pages 19-22
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.47-053.2-009.2 Index BBK -
Abstract The goal was to test the system of the Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System (INRS) as the innovative technology of rehabilitation of children with the syndrome of attention defi cit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to evaluate its eff ectiveness. INRS consists of two subsystems, namely — subsystem intensive correction and stabilizing and potentiating eff ect. The basis of the rehabilitation system is based on multimodal approach using diverse methods of action which complement each other and aim at mobi lizing a global compensatory mechanisms of the body using a plastic possibilities of how the nervous system and body as a whole. Evaluating the eff ectiveness of INRS has shown that as a result of its use in 93,9 % of children with ADHD had a positive dynamics of parameters of mental ontogenesis and development of the motor areas of varying severity, in 6,1 % of patients noted signifi cant improvement is not. Patients in the rehabilitation process for INRS occurred a positive transformation of the pattern of indicators that refl ect the parameters of mental ontogenesis the child, including their level of communicative, intellectual and language development. INRS of professor V. I. Kozyavkin is the latest rehabilitation technology that can be used for eff ective rehabilitation of patients with ADHD in which the normalization neuroontogenesis child.
Key words children, attention defi cit / hyperactivity disorder, dysonto gene sis, intellectual development, men tal function, rehabilitation, Intensive Neu ro physio logical Rehabilitation System
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