ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 3(84)The features of social functioning under schizophrenic patients corresponds the special public danger
Title of the article The features of social functioning under schizophrenic patients corresponds the special public danger
Authors Kushnir Anatolii
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 3(84) Pages 83-88
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-082.4/.6:340.63-039.76 Index BBK -
Abstract Weight of social consequences and adaptation degree of schizophrenic patients do a substantial contribution to the prognosis both disease and wrong-doing of such patients, and also play a considerable role in their public danger. Research aim — to define the features of social functioning that is specifi c for the schizophrenic patient with diff erent mechanisms of public dangerous acts (PDA) realization as markers-targets of curatively-rehabilitation infl uences. By means of psychodiagnostic methodologies (DAS adapted variant, EAPS) inspected 511 schizophrenic patients, that accomplished the PDA against person’s life and health (men, middle age 39,72 ± 0,50), received treatment in the State Institution “Ukrainian mental hospital with the high security of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Dnipropetrovs’k. More than half schizophrenic patients, that accomplished especially dangerous PDA, after the social functioning (SF), capacity for psychosocial adaptation levels and prevailing mode of adaptive behavior have very subzero psychosocial adaptation’s resources. The level of their SF limiting their capacity for the independent way of life due to forming not “controlled” spheres of SF. As the most essential markers-targets own to treatment-rehabilitation process for schizophrenic patients with the productively-psychotic mechanism of realization (MR) PDA determined the awareness and interests (at relative safety in the spheres of domestic relations and ability to work), and for patients with negatively-personality MR PDA — paternal role, wedlock emotional relations, social-domestic sphere in tote, and also vital functions and ability to work (by ЕAPS). The very subzero social functioning of schizophrenic patients, that accomplished especially dangerous PDA, stipulates the necessity to creation for them special terms and corresponding therapeutic environment, sent to proceeding in their social activity due to revealed marker-targets for treatmentrehabilitation infl uences.
Key words schizophrenia, social functioning, psychosocial adaptation, public dangerous acts against person’s life and health, mechanism of realization the especially dangerous acts
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