ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 3(84)Impairments of a mineral density of osseous tissue in patients with hepatocerebral dystrophy
Title of the article Impairments of a mineral density of osseous tissue in patients with hepatocerebral dystrophy
Authors Voloshyn-Gaponov Ivan
Fedosieiev Serhii
Vazhova Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 3(84) Pages 36-39
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-056.7: 616.7-073.48 Index BBK -
Abstract This article is devoted to investigation of clinical manifestations of a locomotion apparatus pathology in 82 patients with hepatocerebral dystrophy (HCD). Ultrasound densitometry was performed for 16 persons of these patients. It was demonstrated that patients with HCD were in risk group for development of secondary systemic ostheoporosis. Almost 85 % of patients with HCD had a decreased mineral density of their locomotion apparatus bones and, along with this, ostheopenia was observed more often (61.5 %) than ostheoporosis (23.1 %). These comorbid pathological conditions of locomotion apparatus bones should be taken into account in patients with HCD in order to recommend preventive measures re garding possible pathological bone fractures.
Key words hepatocerebral dystrophy, ostheoporosis, densitometry
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