ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)The ultrasonographic signs of aff ection of main arteries of the head as markers of brain strokes
Title of the article The ultrasonographic signs of aff ection of main arteries of the head as markers of brain strokes
Authors Linska Ganna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 6-12
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.1 Index BBK -
Abstract Research objective is a studying of the ultrasonographic signs of affection of main arteries of the head, by ultrasonic duplex research, for an estimation of possibilities of their complex use as markers of development of brain strokes. 218 persons, including: 60 practically healthy persons; 86 persons with essential hypertension (EH); and also 72 persons with ischemic brain stroke (IBS). Ultrasonic research was carried out with use of scanner ULTІMA PA (manufacturer — firm "Radmir", Kharkiv) with linear probe on frequency 5—12 MHz in a duplex mode. It is revealed informative ultrasonographic markers for which diagnostic coeffi cient and measures of informativity Kullback are calculated. The diagnostic tables for revealing (forecasting) of IBS, and also for diff erential diagnostics of IBS and EH are created on the basis of the received markers.
Key words ischemic brain stroke, ultrasonographic markers, diagnostics, forecasting
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