ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Social-psychological training in the treatment of pain in adolescents with non-psychotic mental disorders
Title of the article Social-psychological training in the treatment of pain in adolescents with non-psychotic mental disorders
Authors Chernyshov Oleg
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 98-99
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008:616.517 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy and family system in the therapy of somatisation disorders in adolescents. It is described stages and the results of group social and communication training for adolescents’ families, systemic family therapy techniques, after the implementation of the developed psychological correction program.
Key words social and psychological training, behavioral therapy, systemic family therapy, somatoform disorders
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