ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Psychosocial adaptation of adolescents with atopic dermatitis
Title of the article Psychosocial adaptation of adolescents with atopic dermatitis
Authors Uskov Alex
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 94-97
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89: 616.5-009 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper describes the features of psychosocial adaptation of adolescents with atopic dermatitis. Found that boys and girls with dermatosis had lower adaptability, self-acceptance, emotional comfort, and internal locus; lower rates of dominance. Gender features expressed that girl with atopic dermatitis compared with boys had more attuned to others and more focused on the assessment of the environment, while the boys compared with somatically healthy boys had lower levels of dominance. Signs of psychosocial maladjustment in adolescents with atopic dermatitis pointed to the need for organizing and conducting psychological measures oriented to reduce the impact of pathogenic background and enhance resource function of psychosocial component. The main psychological interventions were psychosocial training, psychotechniques aimed at self-knowledge, self-normalization, and harmonization of interpersonal relationships, self-regulation of mental states, and the use of adaptive coping strategies.
Key words atopic dermatitis, adoles cents, psychosocial adaptation
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