ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Comparative characteristic of depression in alcohol dependence and cerebral organic disorders
Title of the article Comparative characteristic of depression in alcohol dependence and cerebral organic disorders
Authors Napryeyenko Nataliia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 79-83
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.13-008.545-07-08 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on the analysis of literature data and the results of our research the following diff erences clinic depressive disorders in alcohol dependence compared with cerebral organic depression were detected: prevalence of emotive, excitable and demonstrative traits of character; uncritical perception of their own emotional state, large proportion of psychogenic depression conditionality that may explain the deepening of alcohol abuse in the premorbid personality tendencies to hypothymic reaction to a variety of adverse factors under the infl uence of physical and social complications depending as well as the formation of the cerebral organic consequences of alcohol abuse. The clinical picture of aff ective disorders characterized by lack of refl ection in the actual traumatic experiences of patients, the severity of the small base for depression feelings of guilt with the aspiration to accuse of their key problems surrounding their appearance or bind only with external circumstances. For depression in alcohol dependence is characterized by the presence of psychopathic reactions of considerable intensity and duration that in character and strength of the manifestations do not correspond to existing provoking situations propensity to aggravation their condition a signifi cant discrepancy between the severity of hypochondria and asthenic manifestations, on the one hand, and of moderate intensity physical and available cerebral organic violations, on the other hand. These clinical diff erenties, and certain pathopsychological neurophysiological features allow to optimize the therapeutic tactics, programs of medical and social rehabilitation and psychoprophylaxis diff erentiated by correcting the biological, clinical psychopathologic and interpersonal aspects of suff ering with the mechanisms of its development.
Key words depression, alcohol dependence, cerebral organic disorders, diff erential diagnosis, the prospects for optimizing care
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