ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Comparative analysis of depressive and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis of biliary and alcoholic ethiology
Title of the article Comparative analysis of depressive and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis of biliary and alcoholic ethiology
Authors Kutova Nataliia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 56-60
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.19-08-059:616.37-002-036.12 Index BBK -
Abstract Chronic pancreatitis causes many changes in psychoemotional conditions of patients from situational reactions to long deep feelings that can reach clinical levels. The paper presents the results of research of severity and structure of depressive and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis with biliary and alcohol etiology. Revealed that more than 80 % of patients with chronic pancreatitis had depressive and anxiety states of varying degrees of severity with a variety of psychopathological symptoms. In 75 % of respondents recorded depressed or anxious mood, tension, somatic anxiety, decreased activity, general somatic manifestations, insomnia, and gastrointestinal and autonomic nerves symptoms. The specific emotional profile determined guilt, suicidal tendencies, agitation, hypochondria, weight loss, and muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and sensory symptoms. In the structure of aff ective and neurotic states dominated disorders with mild and moderate severity. The highest level of disorders found in women with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Existed gender diff erences in symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with chronic disorders of the pancreas. Prevalence and structure of depressive and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic pancreatitis indicate the need to develop programs aimed at early detection and treatment of these disorders, as part of a comprehensive psychological help for patients with gastroenterological diseases.
Key words depression, anxiety, chronic pancreatitis
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