ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Clinical-hemodynamical features of diff erent subtypes of ischemic stroke in acute period
Title of the article Clinical-hemodynamical features of diff erent subtypes of ischemic stroke in acute period
Authors Sokhor Nataliia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 26-31
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.1/.4-06:616.12-071.3 Index BBK -
Abstract Were examined 482 patients in acute period of ischemic stroke (IS): 119 — with atherotrombotic (ATS), 125 — with cardioembolic (CES), 122 — with lacunar (LS) and 116 — with hemodynamic (HDS). All subtypes of IS were accompanied with hypertrophy of left ventricle (LV) and pathological remodeling of the heart. CES mostly was accompanied with eccentric LV hypertrophy, LS — with concentric LV hypertrophy and ATS — with concentric LV hypertrophy and LV remodeling. At ATS, HDS and LS predominant relaxation at CES — restrictive type of diastolic dysfunction. The dependence between the index VE/VA and the degree of disability for the modifi ed Rankin scale after three months were observed at ATS, LS and HDS. In the acute period of IS for regression of neurological symptoms prognostically unfavorable factors were reduced ejection fraction (EF), stroke volume (SV) and minute blood volume (MBV), heart index (HI). At severe IS compared with mild lower ejection fraction was observed at CES, HDS and LS, SV and MBV — at CES, ATS and HDS, HI — for all subtypes of IS.
Key words types of ischemic stroke, acute period, morphometric parameters of the heart.
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