ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22 , issue 4 (81)The adaptational resource as the main index of choice and evaluation the eff ectiveness medical and psychological support adolescents with somatoform vegetative dysfunction of cardiovascular system
Title of the article The adaptational resource as the main index of choice and evaluation the eff ectiveness medical and psychological support adolescents with somatoform vegetative dysfunction of cardiovascular system
Authors Venovtseva Nataliia Yuriivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22 , issue 4 (81) Pages 63-66
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615.851:616.1:616.839-008.6]-053.6-085.859-003.96 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the adaptational resource of adolescents with SVD of CVS during the inpatient period. The main and modifying indices were estimated. The main indices of the adaptational resource of adolescents with SVD of CVS are the level of personal anxiety, presence of alexithymia and neurotic features. The modifying indices are quality of social support from the family and friends, the level of reactive anxiety, depression symptoms and features of vegetative dysfunction. The adaptational resource should be estimated using all indices and their levels. But the basic indices are the level of personal anxiety and quality of the social support. The resource was evaluated as suffi cient and insuffi cient. Using the adaptational resource we can choose the strategy of medical and psychological support and asses the dynamics of psychoemotional state of adolescents.
Key words adaptational resource, somatoform vegetative dysfunction, adolescents, medical and psychological support.
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