ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22 , issue 4 (81)Organizational and legal approaches to solve the problem of substitution maintenance therapy under healthcare reform in Ukraine based on pharmaceutical law
Title of the article Organizational and legal approaches to solve the problem of substitution maintenance therapy under healthcare reform in Ukraine based on pharmaceutical law
Authors Shapovalov Valentyn
Sosin Ivan
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22 , issue 4 (81) Pages 144-148
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615.21 Index BBK -
Abstract International experience in leading countries demonstrates the need to develop the policy in Ukraine of legal support of medical and pharmaceutical providing to the drug dependent patients in the combined light of national, state, public aff airs for which created solidarity mechanisms of accumulating fi nancial resources of the state and society. The purpose of the work was to study the organizational and legal approaches to the problem of substitution maintenance therapy in terms of healthcare reform in Ukraine based on pharmaceutical law (regional aspect). The study worked documentary information on the legal and regulatory basis for substitution treatment. A comparison of foreign and domestic experience in that fi eld conducted. Generalized forensic and pharmaceutical practice. Used the methods of legal, documentary, comparative, graphic, forensic, and pharmaceutical analysis. The results of the study of organizational, legal, social and economic approaches to modernize and reform the health care system in the world. From the perspective of forensic pharmacy, analyzed problems of improving substitution therapy, palliative care and conduct of national healthcare reform at the regional level based on pharmaceutical law. The organizational and legal approaches to the problem of substitution maintenance therapy in terms of healthcare reform in Ukraine, including conduct piloting an electronic monitoring tool substitution therapy, provide recommendations and suggestions for its improvement and others.
Key words substitution maintenance therapy (SMT), medicines, pharmaceutical law, forensic pharmacy
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