ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22 , issue 4 (81)Clinical-psychopathological regularities of formation of a suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar aff ective disorders
Title of the article Clinical-psychopathological regularities of formation of a suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar aff ective disorders
Authors Maruta Natalia
Takhtashova Dina Rashydovna
Pan’ko Tamara Vasylivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22 , issue 4 (81) Pages 9-14
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:616.89-008.441.44-07 Index BBK -
Abstract An article is devoted to analysis of clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological regularities of formation of a suicidal behavior in patients with diff erent stages of bipolar aff ective disorder (BAD) and to development on this basis a system of psychoprevention for this contingent of patients. It was proved that in the structure of a suicidal behavior in BAD suicidal decisions and intentions prevailed over suicidal thoughts, fantasies, and experiences (61.5 % and 38.5 % respectively; p < 0.05). An analysis of genesis of a suicidal behavior demonstrated a psychopathological variant in 48.4 % of the patients, a situational variant in 32.5 % of the patients, and a mixed variant in 18.8 % of the patients. The performed analysis of clinical- psychopathological and pathopsychological regularities of formation of a suicidal behavior in different BAD variants allowed us to work out and implement a diff erential system of psychoprevention. This system consists of fi ve stages: a crisis therapy, a comprehensive diagnosis, the main and adjuvant measures of treatment and prevention, and a social psychological support. The means of therapeutic infl uence on all the stages were applied in form of pharmacological therapy, psychotherapy, and psychosocial assistance. An analysis of eff ectiveness of the program proposed allowed us to conclude about effi cacy of the developed measures. This conclusion was supported with dynamics of clinicalpsychopathological, pathopsychological parameters, a suicidological status, and quality of life of patients with a suicidal behavior in BAD. The effi cacy of the developed therapy was supported also with a stable prevention infl uence which had been achieved. This was evidenced by twoyear catamnestic investigations.
Key words bipolar affective disorder, depressive episode, maniacal episode, mixed episode, mechanisms of suicidogenesis, frustration, psychological defense, personality peculiarities, program of psychoprevention.
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