ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22 , issue 4 (81)Classification prosopalgia the historical aspect (literature review)
Title of the article Classification prosopalgia the historical aspect (literature review)
Authors Posokhov Mykola
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22 , issue 4 (81) Pages 25-28
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616-009-005:611.92 Index BBK -
Abstract Review of the literature in chronological order are the most common classifi cation of pain, which refl ect different stages of the historical aspect of the thinking prosopalgia, since 1920, when the fi rst scientifi c publication on facial pain. All of the classifi cation are the author's opinion, signifi cant weaknesses: one — is too simplistic, others — too detailed, bulky and inconvenient for practical use. All of them are not suffi ciently determine treatment strategy. So is urgent to develop a new classifi cation, which fully satisfy neurologists and neurosurgeons.
Key words classifi cation of prosopalgia, prosopalgia, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, atypical prosopalgia, sympathalgia of facial pain, ganglionitis.
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