ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)The impact of holin alfoscerate on the physico-chemical composition of the blood serum in patients with ischemic stroke
Title of the article The impact of holin alfoscerate on the physico-chemical composition of the blood serum in patients with ischemic stroke
Authors Statinova Olena Anatoliivna
Omelchenko Ruslana Yaroslavivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 33-37
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.1/4:616.151]+615.217.32 Index BBK -
Abstract The influence of the choline alfoscerate (Gliatilin) on the physicochemical composition of the blood serum in patients with ischemic stroke was investigated. We studied dynamic interphasic tensiometry in patients with ischemic stroke in comparison with healthy people. Increased concentrations of low- and medium-molecular surfactants, adsorption of the most high-molecular surfactants and the reduction of high and the most highmolecular surfactants were established. In patients with ischemic stroke we defi ned set of surfactants, which can influence the surface tension of the blood serum at various times of surface’s life. We established statistically signifi cant (p < 0,01) infl uence of the choline alfoscerate (Gliatilin) on the increase of high- and the most highmolecular surfactants and on the reduction of adsorption most high-molecular surfactants of the blood serum.
Key words stroke, tensiometry, Glia tilin
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