ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Term manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder: clinical features, formation and complex treatment
Title of the article Term manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder: clinical features, formation and complex treatment
Authors Buchok Yurii
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 42-47
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK [616.891::614.0.06]+615.862 Index BBK -
Abstract During 2001—2013 years the longitudinally study whose purpose was to analyze the clinical specifi city of clinical and psychopathological manifestations term effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), identifying the role of biological, psychological and psychosocial factors in their development and progress, and development of a comprehensive approach to treatment was done. In the fi rst phase (2001—2002 years) was carried out a comprehensive survey of 305 children 6—14 years who lived in the Trans Carpathian region, and suffered massive traumatic impact of the catastrophic fl oods of 1998 and 2001 At this stage, the patients are three major clinical and psychopathological symptomatic: the dominance of fatigue (28.8 %) with the dominance of anxietyphobic symptoms (34 %) with the dominance of behavioral disorders (25.2 %); in 11.8 % of children psychopathological changes were found. Some children (136 people) received timely therapeutic care, which led to an improvement in their mental state. In the 2009—2013 years biennium from the total number of patients, which is set feedback, and who agreed to participate in the re-survey (161 people), clinically defi ned psychiatric manifestations and mosaic set in 127 respondents constituted the main group research; 34 people with psychopathological disorders accounted for group of comparisons. Are two clinical variants term eff ects of PTSD: 1) aff ective and sensitive (67.7 %); 2) explosive-psychopathic (32.3 %). It is concluded that long-term consequences of PTSD is characterized by its main symptoms, and the development and persistent disturbances in the cross-aff ective and/or behavioral areas of social functioning and relations to the system itself, including the diffi culty in regulating emotion, feeling as humiliated, defeated man who is experiencing diffi culties in maintaining relationships. Suggested approaches to treatment in the fi rst place, the need to declare integrative nature of the impact, is how to combine a non-medication (psychotherapy), medications and therapeutic agents, and the eff ectiveness of therapy depends on the amount of use of psychotherapeutic eff ects.
Key words post-traumatic stress disorder, long-term manifestations, children, combined treatment
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