ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Psychotherapy in complex treatment of women with paranoid schizophrenia at diff erent models family interaction: grounds, common approaches, specifi c features
Title of the article Psychotherapy in complex treatment of women with paranoid schizophrenia at diff erent models family interaction: grounds, common approaches, specifi c features
Authors Markova Marianna
Kosenko Korneliia
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 69-73
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8:616.89-02-085:615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on the analysis by studying the psychosocial characteristics of 150 women with schizophrenia, with diff erent patterns of family interaction, and clinical and psychopathological patterns of disease, informed the general approaches and highlighted specifi c features of psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at restoring the functioning of the patient in the family. Highlighted options whose state has a total impact on family functioning patients, regardless of family interaction patterns (clinical and psychopathological features of paranoid schizophrenia), and such condition which is determined by specifi c patterns of family interaction (social and family functioning and quality of life of women). Given the established diff erences and causal ties specifi ed parameters, generalized mechanism for determining the content, capacity and psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at restoring family functioning women suff ering from paranoia schizophrenia, depending on the model of family interaction.
Key words paranoid schizophrenia, family interactions, psychotherapeutic measures, women
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